The School Day


Our School Day

Breakfast Club is available to pupils and staff from 7:45am. The last time for entry into the club is 8.15am.
The formal school day at Victoria runs from 08.40am to 3.15pm. 




Gates open


Gates close


Lower phase breaktime begins


Lower phase breaktime ends


Upper phase breaktime begins


Upper phase breaktime ends


Lunchtime for all starts


Lunchtime for all  ends


Gates open for the end of the day


Teachers dismiss pupils

Teachers will dismiss pupils to their parent/carer from their classroom doors at 3:15pm.  If another adult is collecting your child, please let your child’s class teacher know.
If a child is not collected or does not have permission to walk home alone, a member of staff from the year group must take them to the office and inform office staff who will then contact parents carers.
Children attending junior school do not receive free fruit for break-times, so please send in a piece of fruit or another healthy snack for children to eat during morning break. Alternatively, your child can buy a piece of fruit from the school fruit shop for 20p. Please also provide your child with a named water bottle.
Children are given the option of a hot school meal provided by Chartwells, or bringing in their own packed lunch and drink.
Packed lunch boxes should be of a reasonable size and clearly marked with the child’s name. We promote healthy eating at Victoria and would like to see well-balanced and nutritious packed lunches and of course – no sweets please. Children having a packed lunch can also bring in an extra bottle of water or fruit juice to have with their lunch, but we do not allow energy drinks or fizzy drinks to be brought in. We are a nut-free school. 
 Personal Posessions
Please ensure that children do not bring precious or valuable possessions to school. Any such items are brought into school entirely at your own risk. This includes football cards, toys and other items.
 School Visits
At the start of each school year parents and carers will be asked to sign a consent form for their children to be taken off site for local visits within one mile, eg. church, local area, etc. All other outings need specific consent forms to be completed by the parent / guardian. No child is allowed on a trip unless the parent / guardian’s consent has been given. Some visits may ask for payments. These are optional, but trips may have to be cancelled if payments are not given.
 Extra-curricular activities
We offer a wide variety of extra-curricular activities after school, ranging from academic, to creative and sports. Letters will be sent home each term, and do require a small payment in order to allow them to run. If you require any information on clubs, speak to the office, or visit our website.
Pupils attend swimming lessons in Year 4 at Hanworth Airparks Leisure Centre. This is organised by the year group team and letters will be sent out.
Pupils attend phase assemblies on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons. There are also year group and class assemblies. These are thematic and support the pupils’ personal, curricular and safety development.
Our School Uniform
 We are proud of our school and encourage the children to wear a school uniform and this is as follows:
  • A maroon sweatshirt or cardigan with the school’s logo.
  • Grey or black trousers, shorts or skirt.
  • Pale blue or white polo shirt or blouse.
  • Summer: As above, or a blue and white or striped or checked dress.
We expect all children to wear the school uniform colours. Jeans, fashion garments and platform, high-heeled or backless shoes should not be worn to school.
Sweatshirts and cardigans with the school badge on may be purchased from the school office.
Good quality second hand uniform is also available. Please see our Uniform Policy for more information.
We expect all children to arrive at school with their reading diary, reading book and a bottle of water.
PE Kit

The children need a P.E. kit that should be worn to school on PE days.
They will need:
- tee-shirt (white)
- shorts (dark in colour)

Tracksuits and trainers may be worn for outdoor games.


Please do not send your child to school wearing jewellery unless it is for religious reasons. If your child has pierced ears then they should only wear small studs.

For safety reasons, children must not wear jewellery during P.E. lessons, unless it is for religious reasons, when it should be covered. No jewellery at all is permitted during swimming and children are required to wear a swimming hat.
All school uniform and PE kit should be clearly named.