Home / School Communication
At Victoria Junior School we believe that good communication between school and home is essential. Listed below are the systems that are in place to ensure good communication between school and parents/carers.
The School Office
The school office is staffed from 8:30am to 4:30pm. It would be appreciated if telephone calls and enquiries could be made between these hours. An answer phone is in operation at all other times or if the office is busy; this is regularly monitored.
To assist our busy office, please:
Return permission requests and payments to your child’s class teacher
Ensure that school meals are ordered and paid for on time on Parentpay
Inform the office of changes of address or telephone numbers, as well as information about medical requirements
Home School Agreement
This is an agreement between parent, child and school where everyone’s responsibilities and expectations of each other are set out. We expect all parents/carers to sign and return the agreement and abide by the points set out within it. This can be found at the end of this yearbook.
Homework Diary and Reading Record
All children are expected to read daily and parents/carers are encouraged to record their child’s reading in the Homework Diary.
Homework is set weekly for all children to complete. All children will be given Maths and English workbooks to complete.
Curriculum Information
Detailed curriculum information will be provided at the start of term when you will be invited into a parents’ phase curriculum meeting. Further curriculum information is available on our website.
Parents’ Evenings
You will have the opportunity to make an appointment to meet with your child’s teacher in the Autumn and Spring terms. These meetings will give you the opportunity to discuss targets and progress with the class teacher. The Autumn term meeting will also give you the opportunity to discuss how your child has settled in, whilst the Spring term meeting will look in more detail at the progress your child has made in their class work.
In July you will receive a written report from your child’s class teacher along with their grades in reading, writing and maths.
School Letters and Newsletters
You will receive information about trips, clubs and other events via letters from your child’s class teacher, phase leader or the Headteacher. Letters often have a reply slip on the bottom so please check book bags regularly for any notes from the school to avoid missing out on any trips organised. You will also receive a monthly newsletter via email which provides information about events in school and dates for your diary. The school website will also be regularly updated.