Year 5
Home Learning Week 1
Instructions and activities week 1
maths 1 star maths 2 star Maths 3 star reading week 1 writing week 1 geography 1 star geography 2 star geography 3 star grammar - work for all Grammar - homophones match up Spelling - look say cover write and check activity
Home Learning Week 2
Instructions and activities week 2
art and dt - task option 1 art and dt - task option 2 art and dt - task option 3 geography - statistics one star geography - statistics TWO star geography - statistics Three star grammar - expanded noun phrases applicaTION AND REASONING grammar - expanded noun phrases fluency grammar - expanded noun phrases practice maths - 1 star maths - 2 star maths - 3 star maths - btc maths - btc answers reading - reading comprehension activity reading - the tyger poem science - flowering plant life cycle spellings - look say cover write and check spellings - spelling overview writing - task example writing - task