About Us

Proud To Be Me, Proud To Belong


Thank you for choosing to send your child to Victoria Junior School. We pride ourselves on being a caring school that places itself in the heart of the local community. Our curriculum and teaching is designed to inspire unique, independent, respectful, confident pupils who are fully prepared for the next stages of their lives.
We feel that your involvement in this process is crucial and we will provide frequent opportunities to keep you informed about the ways in which we are working with your child.  We are keen to have parental involvement and if you have any time to spare to come into school and work with us, you will be made very welcome.
Our Vision
We want our pupils to be able to live fulfilled, curious and compassionate lives, and feel successful in whichever paths they choose to take in life.
We aim to do this by:
  • recognising, nurturing and applying areas of excellence within a school that strives to constantly stimulate and challenge
  • fostering an eagerness to find out more about the world around us
  • creating a community where individuality is celebrated
Our Mission
As a school, we will:
  • provide an evolving, relevant and practical curriculum that challenges all and meets the needs and aspirations of our pupils
  • create opportunities to explore, question and challenge pupils’ views of the world
  • build positive relationships with pupils and their families so that they feel confident, safe and encouraged to grow as human beings.
Our Core Values
At Victoria Junior School, we believe that reading is at the heart of all our learning. Our additional core values are:
  • Fulfilment
  • Curiosity
  • Compassion
  • Kindness
  • Honesty
  • Problem-solving