Inclusion, Safeguarding and Welfare

Inclusion, Safeguarding and Welfare

At Victoria Junior School, we believe that the curriculum should provide relevant and challenging learning to all children. We ensure that our curriculum provides suitable learning challenges for all children, responds to pupils’ diverse learning needs and overcomes potential barriers to learning and assessment for individuals and groups of pupils. Our Inclusion leader and team will work with children and parents to ensure that all children are given the support and challenge to achieve their full potential. If you have any questions about your child’s development, SEN, gifted and talented or EAL needs, then please book an appointment with Mrs Collins, or email If you have any questions about your child’s development, SEN, gifted and talented or EAL needs, then please book an appointment with Mrs Collins or email the school using
Medical Needs
Children who are unwell in school or who sustain minor injuries will be dealt with by the Welfare Assistant during school hours or by the Meals Supervisors during the lunch hour. If a child receives any injury which we feel needs further treatment, or is too ill to remain in school, parents will be contacted either by text or phone call. 
If the incident is considered an accident, the member of staff who has dealt with the accident is required to investigate and fill out an accident form. This will then be handed to Mrs Wright who will take the next steps.
Asthma inhalers are kept in the medical box in the photocopying room, and children can access them if needed, for example during PE lessons. They will be taken onto the playground during breaktime and lunchtime. Inhalers must be taken to the swimming pool and on school trips. Other prescribed medication such as Ritalin, Epipens and Insulin, etc, are kept securely in the Office in a box with the child’s name and photo on the front. 
Health Care Plans must be read by staff who are responsible for those pupils. As part of their Health Care Plans, Type 1 Diabetics can test their blood sugar levels whenever they need to. Parents are responsible for checking the use by dates on the medication regularly. Medication must not be kept in the classroom.
For extreme healthcare needs, photos and information is displayed in the Staffroom and other key areas. Staff must make themselves aware of these children.
If a child requires prescribed medication to be administered to them during the school day, then parents are required to write a letter giving permission for the medication to be given. Please refer to the Health and Safety Policy for further details on our Policies page.
Pupil Care and Wellbeing
It is expected that staff will maintain a professional relationship with children and families at all times and conduct themselves in a proper and acceptable way in their dealings with children. Staff must exercise judgement in deciding upon the difference between open, honest, friendly, and caring involvement with children based upon trust and good humour as against over-familiarity, which might lead to a breakdown of what is universally accepted as appropriate staff / child relationships.
At times an adult may need to make physical contact with a child dealing with first aid matters or when comforting a child who is in distress. The school accepts this as normal practice. However, staff must not place themselves in a position where accusations of improper conduct could be made.
An adult of the appropriate sex and in the presence of a second adult may carry out any examination of a child who is hurt or injured which may be of an intimate nature. The Headteacher should be informed immediately. The better preferred course of action in this instance would be to phone the parent to request they attend to deal with their child’s injury.
Teachers need to exercise extreme caution in placing themselves in any situation with children where accusations of improper conduct could be made.
Child Protection
At Victoria Junior School safeguarding and child protection underpin everything we do. To protect pupils in its care and to comply with the recommendations of the Department for Education, the school will take any actions that it feels it needs to do, this may include referring concerns about the welfare of pupils to Children’s Services - Social Care Department. Our first priority is your child’s welfare and therefore there may be occasions when our concern about your child means that we have to consult other agencies even before we contact you. The procedures we follow have been laid down by the Local Safeguarding Children Board. If you want to know more about these procedures, please speak to the Headteacher or read the Child Protection Policy available on the website here.


Designated Safeguarding Lead - Mrs Seevakreedam
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads - Mrs Nowak, Mrs  Collins, Mrs Barham and Miss Faransis
At Victoria Junior School we aim to instill and promote good behaviour and learning behaviour in all members of the school community. All children are made aware of our school rules and we have set systems for dealing with unacceptable behaviour.
Our objectives are:
  • To foster positive caring attitudes towards everyone, showing respect for each other and acknowledging and valuing all achievements.
  • To communicate effectively with those around them and globally, and to contribute proactively to shape their community.
  • To enable each person to accept responsibility for his/her own behaviour by encouraging independence and self-discipline.
  • To have a consistent approach to behaviour management throughout the school with the co-operation and involvement of children and their parents.
  • To enable pupils, staff and parents to have aspiration and to use initiative, developing a common sense of purpose.
  • To make boundaries of acceptable behaviour clear and ensure safety.
At Victoria we make all children aware that bullying is unacceptable. Any instances of bullying will be dealt with by the class teacher initially. Please see our Behaviour Policy.
Concerns and Complaints
If parents have any concerns about their child or a school issue, they should first speak to the class teacher. If the class teacher cannot resolve their concern then an appointment can then be made to see a member of the Senior Leadership Team. Any issue that cannot be resolved through discussion with the Headteacher can be passed on to the Governing Body. Our complaints procedure is available here.