Subject Statement – Intent, Implementation and Impact
Subject: Physical Education
Subject Lead: Derek Tavey
At Victoria Junior School, we aim to provide children with opportunities to create positive relationships with physical activity for life through high-quality, personalised PE lessons for every child. We aim to enable all children to feel confident to take part in a range of stimulating, exciting and differentiated activities, both individually and collaboratively, which will support them in developing the fundamental movement skills required to successfully participate in sport. Our PE curriculum hopes to develop the ‘whole child’ and equip them with the skills to not only participate in sport but also in other areas. A broad, holistic approach to PE will ensure that children develop the creative, physical, social, personal, fitness and cognitive skills that they need for the future.
PE is taught through a GetSet4PE session every week with the class teacher, and is backed up with daily core/FMS sessions in class and a variety of lunchtime clubs and activities. Plans are taken from the GetSet4PE scheme of learning which are accessed online and are available to teachers for reference throughout the lesson. These include teacher-friendly and child-friendly instructions and videos to support teaching of skills. The learning is mainly skills-based with less emphasis being placed on the teaching of specific sports, rather giving children the opportunity to implement skills through games created by GetSet4PE.
The scheme follows on from KS1 in which children are taught in line with the NC requirements in that they further develop fundamental movement skills, understanding principles of defence and attack, using simple tactics etc. By KS2 they further develop these skills by applying them into different situations and activities. This can be evidenced from the long term progression map which is saved and can be accessed in the PE curriculum folder. Each unit has been sequenced to build on skills either lesson by lesson or by difficulty. Within each lesson plan, the learning is sequenced so that children can explore and develop a skill and then apply it to a game, sequence or choreography.
In addition to the lesson plans, to support with progression, we have in place an assessment tool, pupil profile pages, assessment docs (in resources by activity) the long term progression map linked to the NC and progression of skills ladders which document the physical skills, vocabulary pyramids to evidence the language journey( all of which can be accessed through the PE folder or through conversation with the PE lead).
The school also provides external support through trips and school visits. These include: London GAA (providing Gaelic football lessons, as well as other local events), Middlesex Cricket (6 -week coaching unit), Duke’s Meadow coaches for tennis, swimming provision for year 4 provided by Hanworth Air Parks and Sport Impact (providing lunchtime activities and additional support for selected children across the school) as well as opportunities to take part in competitive games and tournaments against other schools such as: girls’ football, boys’ football, cross-country athletics, cricket, hockey and borough sports.
There are a range of sport-based clubs during lunch times and after school which many children enjoy and benefit from. These include: bench-ball, netball shooting, football and Gaelic football, dodge-ball, basketball, cricket and tennis.
The whole school take part in sports day during the Summer 2 term, during which pupils are split into teams to compete against each other with a variety of activities. These include obstacle courses, various races and skill-based events. During the events, both winning and losing teams are awarded points for taking part as well as points awarded for sportsmanship in order to emphasise the importance of treating people with empathy and care when winning and losing. This allows them to apply their skills they have learnt in P.E sessions throughout the year. Sports Day has now been moved to Springwest college and parents are invited to attend and our PTA have expressed a desire to take on a more prominent role in the promoting and running of this with the objective of raising additional funds.
Pupil and teacher feedback demonstrates that child engagement in PE is good and children are enjoying their PE lessons. Children are becoming reflective and are more able to give feedback about their own and other’s performance in PE. Staff feel more confident in delivering PE lessons and have resources available to them through the GetSet4PE platform, such as videos, which allow them to improve their understanding of the skills that will be taught and their subject knowledge so that they feel ready to teach each lesson.
A format for assessment is available through the GetSet4PE website and the PE lead will deliver an INSET and monitor the use and impact of this assessment tool.